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Titanfall Review – 7/10 Double Jumps

titanfallHold on, slow down. 7/10? I’m rating Titanfall at 70%? How could I? Every other reviewer gave it near-perfect reviews, and I think I can justify a lower rating? Yes, yes I can. Now, my explanation is complicated but thorough, and having beat the entire campaign and ‘generationed’ (or, prestiged if you’re familiar with CoD), used every weapon and explosive, and at least toyed with most of the perks. I feel like I’ve beaten the game entirely. Mind you, I’m going to compare Titanfall against it’s competitors and other next-gen games, and see how it fairs. Keep reading to see what I like, and don’t like. Read the rest of this entry

Why is there still violent Xbox One hate?

controllersThe Xbox One had a rocky start. At E3 in 2013, they announced a boatload of mistakes that nobody, including me, wanted. The console also was $100 more than it’s competitor, the Playstation 4. Considering the PS4 technically had better RAM, why would anyone pay for such a failure of a console? Problem is, Microsoft has fixed many of those problems, and PS4 and developed even more problems. I don’t understand why there is still such violent hate against the Xbox One, despite it becoming the better console over time. Want to read all the reasons the Xbox One is now beating the PS4? Keep on reading. Read the rest of this entry

Titanfall Beta Thoughts

titanfallAfter a long day of gaming, I’ve got the feel for the Titanfall beta. One of the most anticipated game of the year, I was one of the skeptics. And for good reason. It lacks many features I like, such as split screen, HD graphics, more than 6v6 players, or anyone offline. The entire game is online-only! I was ready to pass up buying Titanfall, but I downloaded the beta and gave it a try. It certainly changed my mind. Want to hear my thoughts? Keep on reading. Read the rest of this entry

Selling Titanfall Xbox One Beta Code


Do you want to get into Titanfall Beta? It’s not too late! For a few bucks, you can pick up this Xbox One code from eBay. Want one? Get it quick! It’s only on eBay for 1 day.

eBay link:

Best Various Dead Rising 3 Weapons

Screen Shot 2013-12-04 at 11.56.07 AMDead Rising 3 is full of weapons. With well over 100 different combo weapons, not counting all the random sofas, computers, and scissors you can use, DR3 has a never ending expanse of cool weapons. I’ll be listing the top 5 weapons from a couple of categories, whether good, bad, hilarious, or whatever. Keep reading to see lists on hilarious weapons, visually impressive, fun to use, best for combos, and a ton more! Read the rest of this entry

Xbox One Impressions

kinect2It’s no small feat to look at an entire console and summarize it in a single article. The Xbox One has been in development for years and years, and is an extremely detailed machine. I’m not going to do a strict review, because I don’t have a PS4 to compare it to, but I’ll talk about what I’ve liked, disliked, found interesting, and more. Read the rest of this entry

Dead Rising 3 Review – 8/10 Paddlesaws

Screen Shot 2013-12-04 at 11.56.40 AMI want you to close your eyes for a second and imagine something. Don’t actually close them, you need to keep reading. Think about finding a cement saw, and a sledge hammer. While you might think you’re at a construction site, you’ve actually found a potential weapon. A couple seconds of duct tape later, and bam, you’ve got a sweet sledge hammer saw! Now, just imagine, there are several hundred weak, slow zombies wandering towards you, and this sledge saw is your weapon. Imagine the carnage.

You don’t have to imagine much longer, because in Dead Rising 3, you can do exactly that. In this hilariously fantastic zombie game, you are Nick Ramos, a mechanic with a strange tattoo on your neck. If you’re being serious, you are trying to save your friends and escape Los Peridos by collecting parts for an airplane. But more than just zombies await your escape. Corrupt government officials, anarchist bikers, and sometimes, maybe even your own friends. But if you’re not being serious, you can wear a Bull Mascot and kill zombies with motorized boxing gloves. Want to hear more about this Xbox One exclusive? Keep on reading!

Read the rest of this entry

Xbox One Purchasing Adventures

kinect2So, I didn’t preorder an Xbox One. Because of personal things, I wasn’t sure if I’d have the full $500 ready at November 22nd, so I figured I could just pick one up the day of release at midnight. If you’ve followed my blog, you’d know that it was unsuccessful–and it was impossible to buy an Xbox One the following week. Black Friday is the day when the Xboxs came back in stock, and it became my quest to buy one. Interested in hearing the fun, exciting, and potentially violent story on how I got mine? Keep on reading!  Read the rest of this entry

Dead Rising 3 – RPG Gameplay

So this is partially proof that I have finally have gotten an Xbox One (the 5 hour wait was worth it) and testing the “Xbox, Record That” Kinect command. Plus, upload studio for some quick editing, and viola, here’s a quick video! Hope you enjoy it. I’ll be doing more Dead Rising 3 gameplay soon!

Xboxs out of stock on Microsoft Website

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Are you serious? The official Microsoft website is out of stock on Xbox One? Did Bill Gates and his kids assemble all the available Xboxs or did Microsoft entirely drop the ball on this?