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DR3 DLC Reviews – Updated

Dead-Rising-3-Operation-Broken-Eagle-DLC-screenshots-5-1024x576Dead Rising 3 has at least 4 DLCs scheduled, and two of them have already launched. It’s a bit unusual for 2 DLCs to come out so close to release date–especially Fallen Angel coming out 3 weeks after Operation Broken Eagle. All the DLCs features new characters, weapons, vehicles, and outfits, all within the original Dead Rising 3 story. So far, you’ve met all the characters in the original DR3 story that you play as in the DLC–except, you meet them dead. But anyways, how do they stack up? Are they worth the purchase? Read the rest of this entry

Best Various Dead Rising 3 Weapons

Screen Shot 2013-12-04 at 11.56.07 AMDead Rising 3 is full of weapons. With well over 100 different combo weapons, not counting all the random sofas, computers, and scissors you can use, DR3 has a never ending expanse of cool weapons. I’ll be listing the top 5 weapons from a couple of categories, whether good, bad, hilarious, or whatever. Keep reading to see lists on hilarious weapons, visually impressive, fun to use, best for combos, and a ton more! Read the rest of this entry

Infinity Blade 3 & iPhone 5S

Screen Shot 2013-09-10 at 2.58.01 PMThe iPhone 5S has been officially announced! Gold color and finger printing look sweet, along with twice the power of the iPhone 5. But there are plenty of other places to learn more on that. I’m as excited, or even more excited, of the trailer for Infinity Blade 3.

Want more details or my opinions on this? Keep on reading!

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