Blog Archives

Watch Dogs Leaked Trailer & Release Date Analysis

Oh yeah baby, it’s finally here. The release date for Watch Dogs has finally surfaced! May 27th is the lucky day. Looks like I’ll be busy that week. The trailer features more story elements than previous trailers, and I thought it’d be worth my time to talk about them. Keep reading to see my thoughts. Read the rest of this entry

DR3 DLC Reviews – Updated

Dead-Rising-3-Operation-Broken-Eagle-DLC-screenshots-5-1024x576Dead Rising 3 has at least 4 DLCs scheduled, and two of them have already launched. It’s a bit unusual for 2 DLCs to come out so close to release date–especially Fallen Angel coming out 3 weeks after Operation Broken Eagle. All the DLCs features new characters, weapons, vehicles, and outfits, all within the original Dead Rising 3 story. So far, you’ve met all the characters in the original DR3 story that you play as in the DLC–except, you meet them dead. But anyways, how do they stack up? Are they worth the purchase? Read the rest of this entry

Ghosts Launches Tomorrow

Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 9.12.24 PMOne of my most anticipated games, Call of Duty Ghosts, releases tomorrow. It’s been a long wait since the June announcement (or May, depending if you were following some YouTubers) but it’s finally here! Knee sliding, Extinction mode, Marksmen rifles, better snipers, nukes, destructible maps, what else could you ask for? Of course there are new things we’d all like, but Call of Duty Ghosts looks like an impressive improvement from Black Ops 2. I’ll be picking it up tomorrow (no midnight release, sorry, I have college class) and will be playing it.

So the question is, what would you guys like to see or know from Ghosts? Are you curious about a specific multiplayer weapon? Or how the new ACOG sight looks? Or if C4 is still an airbursting OP device? While I don’t have professional grade screen recording software, I can record some footage or just post information about certain topics. Leave a comment, and you’ll probably see your personal question answered tomorrow!

What is Bukkit doing?

bukkitIn case you’re not familiar with Minecraft servers, it’s a bit of an odd dynamic. In the vast majority of multiplayer games, there are one of two things: dedicated servers, or console-hosted rounds. In Call of Duty (in the past, this is changing now), one of the consoles in the multiplayer lobby would be chosen, based on ping speed, location, and latency. That console would host the match. It puts that particular console under more stress, but it ensures everyone else runs at a faster pace. Or, there are dedicated servers. Built for only that game, they are the fastest and most reliable way to play online. Problem is, dedicated servers aren’t cheap, so services like Xbox Live have to be made to pay for that.

Then there is Minecraft. Since there aren’t rounds or matches, the server has to be online 24/7. Mojang can’t possibly hope to create enough dedicated servers to house them all, and no one wants to sacrifice their computer’s RAM and never reboot it for a console-hosted server. Both of those, interestingly enough, are in the works or are in use, but are not the most popular option. The most popular option is to purchase a server through a hosting service, like MC Pro Hosting or Fragnet. And unless you want a totally vanilla, no plugins, no modifications server, you’ll probably want Bukkit. Bukkit is a free software that allows plugins, modifications, and easy API for developers to use. It’s a super slick piece of software, and is most commonly used by servers. Sure, there’s Tekkit and Feed The Beast, but they are significantly less popular and serve a different purpose.

With the recent release of 1.7.2, Bukkit hasn’t been getting on the development train like most people want them to. In fact, they’re still releasing and working on 1.6.4 versions instead of 1.7.2. Why is that? Keep reading to hear my speculation. Read the rest of this entry

Best Changes in COD Ghosts

Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 9.12.24 PMCall of Duty Ghosts is featuring a lot of sweet changes from Black Ops 2. I’m not nearly as familiar with Modern Warfare 3 as Black Ops 2, but these changes are also differences from MW3. I’m absolutely the most pumped for these features in particular more than others, and I’d love to get my hands on the game on day one just to play these. Keep on reading to find out what they are!
Read the rest of this entry

Angry Birds Starwars 2 – Are you kidding?

abstarwars2Angry Birds has been a phenomenon. Aside from bunches of mobile games, there are plushies, shirts, gummy candy, an animated series, hats, iPhone cases, swimsuits, lunchboxes, backpacks, and more. Angry Birds is selling hot, but why? Why is this odd franchise so virally hot? More importantly, why did Angry Birds Starwars get a sequel–playing as the pigs?  Read the rest of this entry