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Titanfall Review – 7/10 Double Jumps

titanfallHold on, slow down. 7/10? I’m rating Titanfall at 70%? How could I? Every other reviewer gave it near-perfect reviews, and I think I can justify a lower rating? Yes, yes I can. Now, my explanation is complicated but thorough, and having beat the entire campaign and ‘generationed’ (or, prestiged if you’re familiar with CoD), used every weapon and explosive, and at least toyed with most of the perks. I feel like I’ve beaten the game entirely. Mind you, I’m going to compare Titanfall against it’s competitors and other next-gen games, and see how it fairs. Keep reading to see what I like, and don’t like. Read the rest of this entry

Ghosts Launches Tomorrow

Screen Shot 2013-09-15 at 9.12.24 PMOne of my most anticipated games, Call of Duty Ghosts, releases tomorrow. It’s been a long wait since the June announcement (or May, depending if you were following some YouTubers) but it’s finally here! Knee sliding, Extinction mode, Marksmen rifles, better snipers, nukes, destructible maps, what else could you ask for? Of course there are new things we’d all like, but Call of Duty Ghosts looks like an impressive improvement from Black Ops 2. I’ll be picking it up tomorrow (no midnight release, sorry, I have college class) and will be playing it.

So the question is, what would you guys like to see or know from Ghosts? Are you curious about a specific multiplayer weapon? Or how the new ACOG sight looks? Or if C4 is still an airbursting OP device? While I don’t have professional grade screen recording software, I can record some footage or just post information about certain topics. Leave a comment, and you’ll probably see your personal question answered tomorrow!