Why is there still violent Xbox One hate?

controllersThe Xbox One had a rocky start. At E3 in 2013, they announced a boatload of mistakes that nobody, including me, wanted. The console also was $100 more than it’s competitor, the Playstation 4. Considering the PS4 technically had better RAM, why would anyone pay for such a failure of a console? Problem is, Microsoft has fixed many of those problems, and PS4 and developed even more problems. I don’t understand why there is still such violent hate against the Xbox One, despite it becoming the better console over time. Want to read all the reasons the Xbox One is now beating the PS4? Keep on reading.

All E3 problems were fixed

DRM, always-online, perma-Kinect, no sharing games, all these things made the Xbox One look like an undesirable mess. And the fans had their outrage about it. But y’know what? Microsoft fixed all the problems. Yeah, all of them. Not only does this just fix the problems, but this also means that Microsoft is willing to listen to fans, and make major, groundbreaking changes accordingly.

Xbox One does more

The Playstation 4 plays games, and it does that well. It can also play Blu-Ray. But can it become the single devices that does everything? No it cannot. The Xbox One just has more features. It also features the Kinect, which like it or not, is a powerful little microphone and camera. All that together constitutes the $100 price difference. Also, if you want a PS4 with their Kinect knock-off, you’ll be looking at a nearly $500 console.

PS4 Dead On Arrival Rate

1 out of every 100 PS4 consoles were dead on arrival. Not malfunctioning, not partially broken, completely dead on arrival. That’s an absolutely horrendous rate. If you bought a PS4, and 4 of your friends did too, someone in your group had a 1/20 chance of receiving a console that would not work. This doesn’t even cover all the consoles that have broken Blu-Ray players, the HDMI cables that were broken, or certain features that malfunctioned.

Xbox One now supports 1080p

With a recent fix to the Xbox Developer SDK, they can now make games in glorious 1080p. Project Spark Beta is lauching in 1080p, which is the first Xbox One game to do so (to my knowledge). I suspect games like Forza 5 will update their graphics, since their game relies on such astounding graphics. It’s also worth noting, PS4’s most popular exclusive Killzone runs multiplayer at 720p. It also can’t hold 60 fps at the lowered resolution.

Xbox One boots up faster

Even using Kinect voice commands, the Xbox One boots up in 10-13 seconds. If you press the Xbox button, it can do it even faster than that. The Playstation was clocked at 20 second boot up time. Considering the PS4 technically has more power, it shouldn’t take twice as long to boot up. Both consoles use simplistic OS, so it’s not unreasonable to think they should boot up at the same pace.

PS4 is already wearing out

Many PS4 users are complaining that their new consoles (primarily, the Dualshock controllers) are wearing out already. Some have reported entire joysticks snapping off, though the most popular problem is the rubber on joysticks wearing down and cracking. According to this article, 9% of their users saw rubber cracking and breaking, while 37% saw significant wear and tear. This was written in January, only 2 months after the PS4 launch. 2 month old consoles already cracking and breaking? That’s unacceptable.

Xbox has Titanfall

Sure, you may not be excited for Titanfall. Which means, you probably haven’t played it. I was a serious skeptic, and didn’t plan on buying it before playing the beta. After the beta, it’s absolutely deserving of every bit of hype. It completely reinvents the first person shooter, freshening up the entire genre and could leave Killzone, Call of Duty, and Battlefield in the dust. It’s like Call of Duty, with all the stupid elements removed and added so many perfect things. It’s fresh, it’s ingenious, and it’s an Xbox exclusive.

Am I saying the PS4 is a bad console? No, no I’m not. I’m saying it’s not living up to the expectations, and the Xbox One is gaining momentum. It’s fixing problems, adding new features, and is no longer worthy of the crude hate it’s been taking. It’s out preforming the PS4 in many aspects, including durability, customer support, exclusives, and features. You can keep your PS4 and be happy with it, but stop behaving as if the Xbox One is an inferior piece of garbage.

Posted on March 4, 2014, in Next-Gen, Opinions, Technical and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. By rank:1:best bang for your $ wiiu
    :1 best hardware ?ps4
    :1 best balance? Xbox one
    What I recommend?wiiu ! Very inexpensive and likely to get invariant tsc or whatever IBM use for that so quality isn’t gonna be an issue !ton of fun,that anybody can easily verify .long term ?I would say wait till xbox one is mature,but short term ? Xbox one and ps4 are too costly for the amount of fun game .

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