Blog Archives

Call of Duty Ghosts: Extinction Mode Details

Screen Shot 2013-10-30 at 9.40.05 PMWow! All kinds of new information has blown up about Extinction mode! As I’ve speculated earlier, Extinction mode is the Infinity Ward alternative to Zombies. Instead of Zombies, you have to kill off aliens instead. So, I was right about aliens! I’m very glad to see it wasn’t dinosaurs, and that these aliens look and act pretty awesome. Destroy the various alien hives around the map, survive the crawling, shooting, biting aliens, and run to your helicopter for freedom! Want more details? Keep on reading. Read the rest of this entry

Call of Duty Ghosts – Extinction

extinction-1This isn’t brand new news, but a new mode has been confirmed for Call of Duty Ghosts. As much as I think Squads is a brilliant idea, I really don’t classify that as a third game mode. The unknown and ominous ‘Extinction’ mode will be the official third game mode. And good thing too, Infinity Ward needs to match Treyarch’s third game mode, Zombies. Keep reading to get more information and my thoughts on it.

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Call of Duty: Ghosts Campaign Trailer

So this gem just appeared on TV while watching football, and I was shocked to see it was already 5 days old. I’m not too far behind though, so let’s do a quick analyzation of the new Call of Duty: Ghosts campaign trailer. This trailer is not focused on the multiplayer aspect, only the campaign. Needless to say, I’m excited. Watch the trailer, then read my analyzation. Read the rest of this entry