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iPad vs The World – Tablet Comparison

Best_tablets1I spend many of my mornings each week volunteering as a Teacher’s Assistant for the multimedia teacher at our local college. While sometimes I spend hours compiling spreadsheets and spellchecking brochures, other times I get to have a load of fun. Recently, our college got a grant to purchase tablets for the multimedia program. An iPad Air, iPad Mini, Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, Google Nexus, and Kindle Fire HDX. I’ve had the fun time of adding screen protectors, buying apps, and getting to know the tablets. The longer I play with them, the more I see their strengths and weaknesses. Want to hear my thoughts on all 5 of these tablets? Keep on reading.

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Truth in Advertising – Surface vs iPad

ipadvssurfaceEvery commercial is slanted towards the product they’re selling. It’s a part of advertising life. Depending on the commercial, depends on how hard they push their product and how far they stretch the truth. It’s extremely important as a consumer to be aware of the truth of both sides, even if you dislike one side. Otherwise, you’re not making a well-educated decision. Knowledge is power, people.

Before I start on this, I’m not saying the Microsoft Surface tablet is a bad tablet. I’ve just noticed this commercial more than others because of my knowledge of the two products. Check out the following commercial, and then I’ll point out the major flaws in it.

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